Sponsorship Opportunities

Canada’s Annual Staffing & Recruiting Conference

A high profile event bringing value to everyone with a stake in the staffing and recruiting industry. ACSESS Conference 2025 will feature two days of conference sessions, and networking opportunities throughout each day and at evening events.

Extended Industry-Wide Promotion For Your Brand

Canada’s Staffing & Recruiting Conference attracts attendees from across North America. The brand exposure for sponsors is unparalleled, and you will also get major, multi-touch promotions in the months and weeks leading up to the event:
• 1,500 recruiting, employment, and staffing service professionals on ACSESS own lists
• 3,500 professionals who follow ACSESS LinkedIn company page

If professionals working within the staffing industry are your prospective clients, participating in ACSESS 2025 as a business partner is a great opportunity and will also align your brand with another strong, trusted brand: ACSESS, Canada’s only staffing and recruiting association.

High-Impact Opportunities for Everyone

ACSESS 2025 offers all-new opportunities to match your marketing and sales plan, as well as established business and networking tactics that have been successful at Canada’s Staffing & Recruiting Conference for many years. Take advantage of this opportunity to connect directly with your target market by participating as a sponsor or exhibitor at ACSESS 2025. Many packages are reserved well in advance, so book as soon as possible to get your first choice. Contact Jennifer Traer at jtraer@acsess.org to learn more and book now.

Title Sponsor $20,000  SOLD!

This prestigious, high-profile package puts your business front-and-center in the minds of senior professionals and decision-makers. Including significant pre-event promotion, speaking/moderating opportunities, and a diverse suite of in-event advertising options, the Title Sponsor is a package sure to align your brand with excellence in recruiting, employment, and staffing services– leaving a lasting impression with every person in attendance.


View Details

Your recognition as the exclusive Title sponsor includes: Thought Leadership Opportunity:

Showcase your organization:

  • Introduce Tuesday’s keynote speaker – an exclusive opportunity to showcase your organization in front of all attendees.

High reach and frequency multi-media marketing exposure before the conference:

  • Multi-wave email campaign to ACSESS’s private lists and a broad audience of interested professionals & our formal industry ally associations
  • SEO-friendly online presence on ACSESS’s high traffic website
  • Logo & link to your company website from all conference webpages
  • Logo prominently featured in all marketing materials
  • Social Media exposure on ACSESS’s 3,500 + follower LinkedIn page

Repeated, prominent appreciation of your exclusive status as Title sponsor throughout the event:

  • Prime facetime as Title sponsor at Opening Keynote Session and Closing Lunch
  • Recognition in the opening remarks both days, heard by all attendees
  • Logo embedded in Conference 2025 official banner, and displayed on screens throughout the daytime and evening programs

Significant live event sponsor profile:

  • Up to two minutes of branded video footage shown in the plenary room – your choice of two short segments running before the morning break, lunch break or afternoon break, OR a single, longer segment during your preferred choice of those two times
  • FIVE complimentary attendee passes to the full conference
  • TWO additional tickets to the opening reception pass
  • FREE exhibitor booth in prime location —your home base where your representatives can network with attendees and distribute your company message
  • Access to opt-in attendee directory

NEW! 1:1 Meetings (valued at $2,000)

  • Contractual guarantee of three private 30 minutes business consultations with country lead
  • Private meeting area including all corporate signage and collateral
  • Two profiling questions to be including in the prequalifying process for delegate acquisition
Elite Sponsor (Exclusive!) $13,000 SOLD!

One of the highlights of the conference, the awards dinner is a celebration of professional excellence. This dinner traditionally draws the largest audience of the entire program and is the premier social event for ACSESS 2025. Leave a lasting impression as the annual elite sponsor.

View Details

Your recognition as sponsor of the Tuesday, May 6th Awards Dinner includes:

High reach and frequency multi-media marketing exposure before the conference:

  • Multi-wave email campaign to ACSESS’s private lists and a broad audience of interested professionals and leaders in Canada’s staffing services industry
  • SEO-friendly online presence on ACSESS’s high traffic website
  • Logo & link to your company website from all conference webpages
  • Logo prominently featured in all marketing materials
  • Social Media exposure on ACSESS’s 3,500+ follower LinkedIn page

Repeated, prominent appreciation of your status as elite sponsor throughout the event:

  • Frequent logo display on two screens throughout the awards dinner
  • Monitor/sign featuring your logo at the entrance to the dining room
  • Recognition during the opening remarks before the awards presentation

Significant live event sponsor profile:

  • Opportunity to introduce a keynote speaker
  • Reserved table at the Awards Dinner for up to 8 attendees. Indicated with a RESERVED sign featuring your company logo (valued at $1,200)
  • FREE exhibitor booth—your home base where your representatives can network with attendees and distribute your company message (valued at $2,000; includes Full Conference registration for TWO booth reps on Thursday and Friday)
  • Up to one minutes of branded video footage shown in the plenary room- your choice of one short segment running before the morning break, lunch break or afternoon break, OR a single segment during your preferred choice of those three times.
  • Access to opt-in attendee directory

The Awards Pre-Dinner Cocktail Reception includes significant live event sponsor profile:

  • A sign featuring your logo as the reception sponsor, placed in a prominent location in the reception area
  • Recognition on tickets for hosted drinks
  • Opportunity to participate and welcome attendees during the opening remarks at the awards dinner
  • Prominent placement of your logo on the printed awards dinner programs

NEW! 1:1 Meetings (valued at $2,000)

  • Contractual guarantee of two private 30 minutes business consultations with country lead
  • Private meeting area including all corporate signage and collateral
  • Two profiling questions to be including in the prequalifying process for delegate acquisition
Opening Social Event Sponsor (Exclusive!) $8,000   SOLD! 

The opening social is the top-ranked networking event of the Canada’s Staffing & Recruiting Conference and is always raved about by conference attendees. This event kicks-off Conference and sets the tone for the coming two days.


View Details

Your recognition as sponsor of the Opening Reception on Wednesday, May 8th includes:

High reach and frequency multi-media marketing exposure before the conference:

  • Multi-wave email campaign to ACSESS’s private lists and a broad audience of interested professionals and leaders in Canada’s staffing services industry
  • SEO-friendly online presence on ACSESS high traffic website
  • Logo & link to your company website from all conference webpages
  • Logo prominently featured in the printed and digital conference registration brochure
  • Social Media exposure

Repeated and prominent appreciation of your status as opening reception sponsor:

  • Sign featuring your logo at the entrance to the event
  • Frequent logo display on screens throughout the social venue (if available)
  • Opportunity to participate in welcome remarks
  • FREE exhibitor booth – Populate the booth with information about your company, include videos and links to your website and social media pages. Includes an integrated chat component where a representative can have conversations with visitors

Significant live event sponsor profile:

  • FOUR tickets to the opening Social
  • FREE insert in the conference attendee welcome bags
  • Access to opt-in attendee directory

Your organization will be recognized as the sponsor on drink tickets, making your brand front-of-mind as attendee’s raise a glass throughout the evening.


Additional Sponsorship Opportunities

All sponsorship packages include:

Plus, special on-site brand recognition, detailed below

Attendee Welcome Bags $4,500 

As sponsor of attendee welcome bags, everyone in attendance will be carrying your logo around for the duration of the conference. Includes significant live event sponsor profile:

  • Your logo will be imprinted on multi-use conference bags that each attendee will receive loaded with conference material and swag. These quality reusable bags get used at the event and at home.
  • Access to opt-in attendee directory

    Note: Confirmation and payment for this package due no later than March 15th, 2025
Name Badges & Branded Lanyards $4,500 SOLD!  

Name badges are worn by all conference attendees and your full-colour logo will be prominently displayed on each badge. Includes significant live event sponsor profile:

  • Your logo will be prominently featured on every attendee, speaker, exhibitor, sponsor, and event staff badge
  • Access to opt-in attendee directory

    Note: Confirmation and payment for this package due no later than April 1, 2025
Speaker of choice & Luncheon Sponsor $4,000

After a busy and productive morning, attendees look forward to gathering for lunch, which is included as part of their registration. As they eat, network, and review the morning’s content, your company’s logo will be strategically displayed at the entrance to the dining area and throughout. Includes significant live event sponsor profile:

  • Option to introduce and/or thank the keynote speaker 
  • Signs featuring your company logo throughout the dining area
  • Your logo on a sign or screen at the dining area entrance
  • Recognition that your company sponsored lunch in the learning session room immediately before attendees break for lunch.
  • Access to opt-in attendee directory
Registration Desk $4,500 SOLD! 

Your logo will be the first thing attendees see each morning as they arrive to check in, attend breakfast and the day’s sessions. Includes significant live event sponsor profile:

  • Your logo will be on display on a large sign next at registration, which conference attendees will pass by several times, both days of the event.
  • Access to opt-in attendee directory
NEW! Photobooth $3,000 SOLD! 

You’ll have the unique opportunity to showcase your organization to all conference attendees in this customized, fun and memorable experience. YOUR company logo will appear on the print outs and posted to a website gallery.

  • Design with ACSESS team photo template (Date and logo of conference must be included)
  • Your logo on green screen background
  • Signage or company banner at photo booth location
  • Access to opt-in attendee directory
Keynote and Plenary Session Sponsor $2,500-$3,500
(subject to placement and availability)

Includes significant live event sponsor profile:

  • Option to highlight your company services and introduce speaker
  • Sponsor logo and recognition on meeting room screen
  • Recognition of speaker spaker at entrance of meeting room
  • Access to opt-in attendee directory
Learning Sessions $2,500
(Limited number available)

Demonstrate your organization’s support for professional development by sponsoring one of the live learning sessions at Canada’s Staffing & Recruiting Conference 2025. Includes significant live event sponsor profile:

  • Your logo featured on screen in the learning session room leading up to the start of the session
  • Recognition that your company sponsored the session during the host’s introductory remarks; or opportunity to introduce the presenter(s)
  • Your full-colour logo on the session description in the event app
  • Access to opt-in attendee directory
Breakfast & Coffee Breaks $4,000-$1,000

*please contact Jennifer at jtraer@acsess.org to discuss pricing options

Conference attendees start the day off right with a delicious breakfast. As they eat, network and review the morning’s content, your company’s logo will be strategically displayed at the entrance to the breakfast room and throughout coffee breaks. Includes significant live event sponsor profile:

  • Signs featuring your company logo throughout the breakfast room
  • Your logo on a sign or screen at the breakfast room entrance
  • Recognition that your company sponsored breakfast & coffee breaks in the learning session room immediately after breakfast/before the first session of the day.
  • Access to opt-in attendee directory
  • Branded napkins
Attendee Directory $1,500  SOLD!

The name of every conference attendee is just as useful as a takeaway resource as it is for the event itself. The attendee directory is distributed by email the event, allowing guests to begin planning their networking strategies in advance. Includes significant live event sponsor profile:

  • Your logo will appear on the cover and every inside page of the traditional print-ready PDF attendees contact information list
  • Your logo and a link to your website will also appear on the email sent to attendees pre-circulating the list
  • Access to opt-in attendee directory
Brand Exposure Package *Negotiable

Show your support for Canada's Staffing & Recruiting Conference and get significant exposure across the months-long, multichannel event promotion. Your logo will be featured on conference marketing material and documents, associating your brand with thought leadership in recruiting, employment, and staffing services.

  •  Your logo, linked to your website where applicable, will be on the conference platform as well as conference promotional materials
  • Welcome bag insert: Option to include your giveaway or collateral in the conference welcome bags each attendee receives.
  • Access to opt-in attendee directory
Conference Supporter $1,000

Available to ACSESS Corporate Members Only.

Show your support for Canada’s Staffing & Recruiting Conference 2025 and get significant brand exposure across the months-long, multichannel event promotion. Your logo will be featured on conference marketing material and documents, associating your brand with thought leadership in logistics:

  •  Your logo, linked to your website where applicable, will be on the conference platform as well as conference promotional materials
  • Access to opt-in attendee directory
NEW! 1:1 Meetings $2,000

•    Contractual guarantee of three private 30 minutes business consultations with country lead
•    Private meeting area including all corporate signage and collateral
•    Two profiling questions to be including in the prequalifying process for delegate acquisition

For more information, contact Jennifer Traer at jtraer@acsess.org or call 416-526-2606